Covid-19 Communication - August 09, 2020

Issued August 9, 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Thank you for choosing Oakview Preparatory School for your child. I do hope that you are doing well. I am praying for you every day. Please pray for the school as we face great challenges to begin this school year.

Enclosed are some guidelines you need to be aware as we start school on August 31, 2020. Please understand that these guidelines are preventative and necessary for the welfare of all of us.

1. There will be no supervision in the morning in the cafeteria or the gymnasium. All students need to go directly to their classrooms. Students and parents’ temperatures will be taken as they enter the building. All of us need to wear masks (a face shield is also suggested) before we enter the building or the school busses. The ideal situation will be that no parents enter the building in the morning and afternoon unless it is necessary. However, Pre-K and Kindergarten parents who drop off and pick up their children are permitted to enter the building. Please be aware that there are also students, staff, and teachers with underlying health conditions in the building.

2. Students need to be tested before they return to school. Either through their physician as they go for their annual physical, or through the free testing site. The information is available at nyc.gov/covidtest. Please send us the result at this office once it is available to you. All students need to bring their hand sanitizers inside their book bags and cleaning wipes. Students’ names should be on all their belongings.

3. Please avoid the last-minute registration. In the past there has been a long line for registration on August 31. This year we will only allow 2 or 3 people at a time in the building while the rest will have to wait outside. Please take care of all minor business matters within the next three weeks. The secretary’s office is still open.

4. To obtain your child’s schedule click on Classes on the school’s website (www.oakviewprep.com). The home page outlines the reopening plans. Please look at the reopening plans and schedule carefully. Be aware that the parent and teacher curriculum meeting will be on Thursday, August 27 from 1:00p.m. - 6:00p.m. This is a compulsory meeting; however, we can only have 13 or 14 parents in each classroom at a time. The sessions will be 15 to 20 minutes long. This is also why we are sharing all this information with you ahead of time. Please be present. Remember, the more you are involved in your child’s education, the better your child will perform in school. You need to know the curriculum and the daily routine for the year.

5. If your child is sick or has a high temperature, please do not send him/her to school because once we take the temperature, either on the bus or at school, we will have to call you to pick up your child. It is recommended by the CDC that everyone should do a “self-check” in the morning. Please do so before your child leaves the house.

6. The survey we did in June indicated that 46% of parents from Pre-K to grade 8 voted to split the classes in two groups. Half of the students will attend school each day and the other half will be taught via zoom at home. Therefore, please make sure that your child has a tablet. If you have a difficult time finding someone to take care of your

child/children for the two days that they will be at home, please contact me on that matter.

7. Please make sure to take five (5) to seven (7) minutes to read the information we send you via “Jupiter” or “Mailchimp” because we will not send a hard copy letter home this year for safety reasons.

Thank you very much for your understanding and your collaboration. We need to keep the standards high for the safety of all.

J. Eric Imbert, Principal

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