Home & School News

Message from Oakview Preparatory School Home & School Association (HSA)

Welcome to the school year! We extend a special welcome to the new families that have joined our school, and we hope that you are excited to be part of this wonderful school community.
The HSA is an organization of parents and guardians who are committed to supporting our school. We plan activities for the school year in areas of volunteering, fundraising, and ways to improve our school. Our monthly meetings, typically held in person or virtually on Zoom, provide opportunities for parents and guardians to hear about what’s going on with the school, and to voice any suggestions or concerns.
As indicated in the school calendar, the election of HSA Officers for is held each year. A summary of officers' roles and responsibilities is provided below. If you have an interest in serving on the HSA committee for this school year, please contact the school administration so your interest may be noted when the election of officers occurs.  
OFFICERS TO BE ELECTED: (one-year terms)

  • Holds overall responsibility for the strategy and operations of the HSA, and presides over HSA meetings.
  • Serves as a liaison between parents/guardians and the School Board.
  • Voting parent representative on theSchool Board, and provides a formal HSA report at board meetings.

Vice President

  • Assists the President in planning the overall strategy and operations of the HSA.
  • Assumes the duties of the President when President is unable to perform.


  • Works with President and Vice President to create the HSA budget for the school year.
  • Keep accurate accounts of all financial transactions of the HSA and provides a financial report at monthly HSA meetings.


  • Records minutes of monthly meetings and distributes minutes to HSA.
  • Keep records of meeting attendance.


  • Fundraising Team
  • Social/Hospitality Team
  • Marketing/Public Relations Team