Physical Education

Al students are expected to fulfill the following Code of Conduct



  • Always RESPECT the comments and belongings of others.
    • Obey the instructions of teacher and students assigned by teacher 
    • Abstain from using fowl or inappropriate language 
    • Never make fellow students or teacher seem unimportant or unable. 
    • Be courteous to Everyone at All times
    • Settle differences appropriately  ( apology, forgiveness, not hitting another student intentionally , without revenge, no loud or boisterous arguing) or with mediation by the teacher.
    • Never being in possession of another student's property or acting in such a way intended to damage another's property
  • Come PREPARED for class. Students who do not come prepared for class will not receive full marks!
    • Prepared in P.E uniform as detailed in Student Handbook
    • Possessing required material or equipment ( exercise mats, appropriate shoes, no jeweler or extra attachments on body - keys, etc; 
    • No books, other class assignments or equipment not required for this class
    • Possessing water or water bottles and any medication student is medically authorized to always have in their immediate possession, 
    • Health packet or medical excuse
  • ATTEND all duly called classes.
    • On-time for all classes
    • Never arriving for class without written and reasonable excuse from parent of previous class teacher
    • Arriving for class because of a personal choice to do something else is not an acceptable excuse 
  • Fully  PARTICIPATE in all class activities
    • Student will make a genuine effort to complete all exercise/physical requirements of the class
    • Will not allow  other students to distract him/her from participating 
    • Not participate in or encourage any distraction which will cause others to not complete the given activity
    • Seek to give less than the expected results required  

Seating Chart:

Students will sit quietly in the designated area of the gymnasium when they enter and at all times when required  to do so.  Students will not leave from that designated area unless permission is received from the teacher.  Students must obtain teacher's permission to leave the immediate area of the gymnasium, including trips to the bathroom. For safety and security it is the teacher's responsibility to be knowledgeable where a student who left the gymnasium is.


The Physical Education class is an activity zone of exercises and participation. Students should not expect to be an audience member. Participation is an important element of passing this class. There will be no make-up participation. Failure to give full participation will have a tremendous effect on an individual's grade. Participation includes formal lesson time as well as personal activity time where students are permitted to choose an activity 

Classroom work and homework:

Students will be expected to finish classroom assignments such as quizzes or special projects during the scheduled class period. Any classroom work not completed in class will not be assigned for homework. Projects will be due at the time specified. No late work allowed. If a student is absent--he/she can still receive full credit for the assignment if the assignment is received at the beginning of the students’ next class.

Missing quizzes and unit tests:

Students who miss quizzes or unit tests MUST contact me ASAP. * Please do not wait until the next  class--it could be a week before a student sees me again. These items may or may not be made up during class time; it will depend on what is being covered in class that next day. All legal absences--are excused. Other class lessons that a student attends without my permission on a due date will result in a zero--parent/guardian will be notified.

Missing class due to other class lesson

It is the responsibility of the student to notify me in person that he/she has a class/lesson during a scheduled P.E class. Students are responsible for all missed information and assignments they miss due to lessons; it is not considered an excuse for late (missed) work. Students should ask their classmates for notes and/or missed assignments due to a conflict with class schedules. A student may be asked to split the period in order to take a quiz and/or a graded activity; once they have completed their assignment, they will be excused to their other lesson.


Grades are calculated by a total number of points for the quarter. Participation points will be deducted if student is not prepared for class, fails to participate  and/or behave inappropriately during class and assignments.  Acceptable absences will not count against a student who misses class activities